DSS: Artifice

By DAN STUDIO SERIES (other events)

5 Dates Through Feb 17, 2023

Welcome to your artifice, a collection of stories we tell ourselves that you care about until we look around at the world and see your lies for what they are: stories to make us feel better; to make us feel heard; to make us feel seen. 

Please note there are some challenging topics that will be presented at this show. Potential triggers may include sexual assult, depictions and/or mentions self harm, mentions of racially charged violence, and more. Please feel free to reach out to us, [email protected] if you require any further information. 
Please note there will be haze and the use of flashing lights at the performances. 

Queen's University and the DAN Studio Series are situatied upon the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee People. These lands on which we play, learn, create, and explore are not ours, and as uninvited guests we have a responsibility to familiarize ourselves with the lands we are on. Seek out Indigenous theatre. Support Indigenous playwrights, actors, directors, producers. Ally is a verb, not an adjective.